Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Cell Phones while Driving

Many people use their cell phones while they drive. Sultan Simsim, one of several people who agree with using cell phones will drive said, “I can’t stop texting while driving because I usually have important messages”. Some people think that is not a problem because they think that they can concentrate on the road while they use a cell phone. However, I think that using cell phone while driving causes several problems.
One problem that using a cell phone while driving causes is increasing the chance of an accident, seventy percent of people agrees, “That using cell phones while driving could increase the chance of accidents”. For example, if people send a text message while they are driving, they may cause an accident and break their leg or their hand. Also, it is possible to hurt other people in the next car. Sometimes, there are children in the other car, and the text message that you thought was so important could be the reason other people and children get hurt. In this case, what seems like a small issue can become a big problem. Some people don’t think about these problems at first, and then they regret their use of cell phones while driving when they cause an accident.
The next problem that using cell phone while driving cause is getting you into trouble with other people. Sultan Althunayan experienced a fight because of using cell phone while driving, and stated “I was using my cell phone, and then other people shouted at me because I didn’t focus on the light.”For example, you may be at a traffic light using your cell phone when the traffic light turns green, because you are distracted by your cell phone, you may not realize the light has changed. Then other people in the car behind you may shout at you, which could cause a fight that could lead you to the police station. However, you can avoid these problems by not using your cell phone while you are driving.
Another problem that using cell phone while driving causes is making the driver distracted. Musaed Al Ajaji had bad accident because he used to text while driving, and said” I was using my cell phone on the high way, and I didn’t concentrate on the rode because I was texting a message which lead me to have an accident “Accordingly, people cannot concentrate on the cross walks or the signals when they are using their cell phones. Some people cross the traffic light or get lost when they use their cell phones while they drive. Moreover, people can hurt other people unintentionally, and people do not always realize what they are doing when they are on their cell phones while driving. Some people cannot function well while they drive and use their cell phone, which leads them to do a lot of road mistake. Many people like to use cell phones while they drive, but they do not realize that is one of the biggest problems that exist for drivers and passengers.
The final problem that using cell phone while driving causes is increasing the chance of a traffic violation Fifty percent of people believe that, “In these days the traffic violations are getting higher”. For example, people drive them selves to commit traffic violations and spend a lot of money to pay the police when they use their cell phones while driving. Some people have a problem with police because the police cite them for a traffic violation when they use their cell phone while driving. However, people do not want to get a traffic violation. Many people commit traffic violations because they use the cell phone while they are driving.
            In conclusion, many people get into accidents and die because they use their cell phone while they are driving. In fact, thirty percent of people insist that, “people are getting into accidents because they use their cell phones while driving”. In addition, cell phone use while driving can cause people to get into problem with other people, get distracted and lose their way. Also, cell phone use while driving causes people to commit traffic violations and drive themselves into problems unintentionally. Furthermore, people cannot concentrate on the road while they drive if they are using their cell phones. In my opinion, people shouldn’t use their cell phone while they drive because that causes a lot of big problems.